Celebrate the Holidays Differently This Year

Accounting Services Manager Jayme Yoder on the importance of the holidays.By Jayme Yoder
Manager, Accounting Services

Email Jayme

Holidays should be times you enjoy rather than merely endure. But we can get so lost in the hustle and bustle of the season that we forget the true meaning of it. We turn into Scrooges as we burn the midnight oil trying to get everything done in time for the festivities, which can feel like obstacles.

Don’t be afraid to approach the holidays differently this year. Stop, take a breath and appreciate what’s around you. And don’t just save the holiday spirit for your time off work. Here are some ways to incorporate it into your business hours …

Put it in the background. Play holiday music in the workplace to lift your team members’ spirits and put them in a cheery mood while they work. If you have a TV in the workplace, maybe even play A Christmas Story on a loop! You could also deck the halls of your office to create a more festive environment, lowering everyone’s stress levels and boosting morale.

Go virtual. Have pre-Thanksgiving and Christmas Zoom gathering with clients and team members during the workday to share holiday recipes, show off the decorations in your homes, etc. Taking just half an hour to break from work and get in the holiday mood can go a long way in revitalizing and motivating you all. Another idea is to virtually bring outside celebrations into the workplace. For example, if someone’s going to the Carmel Christkindlmarkt, ask them to livestream their trip to the holiday market.

Give thanks. Take your team members out to lunch or set up stockings filled with goodies in the break room. This is a time of showing gratitude and tapping into your generosity.

Share traditions. Invite your team members to make the company part of their favorite holiday pastimes.  Encourage them to bring in their homemade cider for everyone to share, or use your whiteboard as a place for people to list their favorite holiday songs, movies, TV specials, etc. Take and share pictures of these activities on your company’s social media page to spread the holiday spirit!

Don’t let the holidays flurry past you this year. Take the time to truly cherish them. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

If we can assist you further with your personal and business affairs, please email Jayme or call us at (317) 608-6699.