Going the Extra Mile by Giving Back

By Erika Dudley
Staff Accountant, Tax Services 
[email protected] 

A successful business doesn’t merely have a high profit margin. It also reaches a high level of respect and acquires new talent by giving back to the community. 

A study from the research firm, Great Place to Work, “revealed that giving back is associated with greater employee retention, higher levels of brand ambassadorship on the part of workers and more enthusiastic employees.” 

The study also found that “staffers who believe their organizations give back to the community are a striking 13 times more likely to look forward to coming to work, compared to employees who do not perceive their employers to be generous toward the community.” 

Community outreach is particularly important to young professionals of the millennial generation. They want to work for companies whose social values align with their own — companies that help deliver Meals on Wheels or support cancer research through donations. In other words, companies that care about people … not just profits. 

Volunteer opportunities can serve not only as acts of kindness but as team building exercises for your staff. You might even get some positive press out of it, which will further bolster your business and help put it in the public eye. People will associate you with your good deeds and be more likely to do business with you when they need the services you provide. 

Now that we’re returning to some sense of normalcy and enjoying this warm weather, you should think about ways your team can get out and help your local community, either through volunteering or sponsoring events. Maybe gather your team of employees to run in a marathon for charity. Community outreach not only helps others but encourages team spirit and relationships among your team members.

You only get what you give. If you help your community, more people will want to work with and for you. Plus, you’ll be helping make the world a better place, which is ultimately the best reason to do anything! 

If we can assist you further with achieving success in your business or personal affairs, please contact Erika Dudley at (317) 613-7861 or email [email protected].